
    Suicide Prevention Collection

    You Are Not A Burden

    The You Are Not A Burden campaign has a pretty important goal in mind: Disrupt the belief that struggling with mental health makes you a burden. Suicide is one of the most complex health crises facing humankind. We know we’re not going to solve it overnight, but we believe you can be a part of changing the rising rates of suicide.

    The Suicide Prevention Pack gives you the tools to check in with those you love, start conversations that challenge stigma, share professional resources, and learn what mental health care options exist. By using the pack, you’ll make hope visible and help accessible.

    Help us raise money for Treatment & Recovery

    Most people who die by suicide had a diagnosable mental health condition. We’re have a goal to raise $250,000 so that we can sponsor 3,600 counseling and group therapy sessions, and support 45,000 people in finding local mental health resources. Consider adding a donation to your order or joining us as a fundraiser. A gift of $50 helps someone sit with a counselor for the first time.